Sunday, April 02, 2006

April Fool's day at London

On April Fool's day I went to London. For no particular purpose. I mean, unlike in HK where you might go to some rural places in holiday, here I need to go to some place which look more like a city.

I happened to walk into the British museum, hoping to look at some stolen Chinese antiques...(?) I don't know what they are, anyway, except some... 利是封. With hello-kitty. I never thought that could be in a museum. Then I went to the Chinatown to look for some Chinese food. I ended up at a Hong-kong style 茶餐廳. I'm sure that's very Hong-kong style, not only the food but also hygiene and service. After that, I walked around, e.g. to look at the pool of ducks in front of the Buckingham place.

Silly enough, huh?

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