Monday, November 28, 2016

The benefit of hindsight on Black Friday...

I consider myself to be pretty good at holding out for the best discounts for lego, but lately I'm not having any luck (or skill) and keep buying at the wrong place at the wrong time.

First, 21303 and 21304 were bought last year, at full price, as soon as they were released; the Ideas theme was usually rather exclusive and difficult to get. Then, last month, they together with 21302 were in Tesco 3-for-2 (on top of heavy discounts)... I could have got all three with £75 but buying separately costed me £125. That was £50 lost already...

Then two weeks ago, I bought on ebay 42056, a set that probably is the only one in the past 10+ years where the box is seriously important... and of all things, it is the one that got damaged. Not only that, this weekend I saw it £5 cheaper on Amazon, which is £20 cheaper than its previous lowest (and when its availability was very patchy... now, at the lower price, it is always available!)

And next, 10214, that strangely is still out there 6 years on. There was hope could have it on 20% discount on Black Friday, but it wasn't. I ended up picking it at John Lewis at 10% off. Normally I wouldn't even think about buying anything only 10% off - have to be at least 20-25% - but (again) this set was meant to be exclusive and rarely you see it in any discount at all. They put it in a box more than three times bigger than necessary. I almost killed myself bringing it home. Then two days later, on Monday, made it 20% off... A 10% difference is otherwise not that big a deal, but it was on the most expensive set I ever bought! The first and only set with 4000+ parts! Plus a free exclusive set 40223 that probably worths £20 or so that offers, I lost another £40 here...

Eventually I did buy something 20% off on, 42055. Interestingly, I held out longest for this one when this is the one I really want and really couldn't afford to miss. I held out when it was £149 at Amazon (and elsewhere).  Together with the gift, surely it can't go wrong this time?

Still, I think of these as investments. Just like buying shares, often you buy when you think it is low enough, only to see it drop another 10% within a week... bad, but this happens to all of us.

But after this spending spree I won't be "investing" for a very long time...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

On grammar schools, nuclear plants, and protesting outside Russia embassy

When we voted Brexit, absolutely nobody could have imagined Theresa May would become Prime Minister and Boris Johnson the Foreign Secretary. So, where are we now? For politically incorrect people like me, things couldn't be better (policy-wise; my pockets continue to be deeply hit...)

Theresa May tries to bring back grammar schools. You wouldn't bet this would be the first non-Brexit issue that she decides to take on. Especially given that she was unelected and it was on nobody's manifesto. She must truly believe in it to do this. Leftists don't like the idea of any kind of selection based on ability. They believe everyone must be equally capable at everything, no one is a failure even if only in some areas, everyone should go to university and so on. In the end academically stronger students get pegged back, academically weaker students are forced into doing things they are not good at, and everybody pass every exam because the bar is so low. And when you can't distinguish people based on ability, you end up choosing them based on money, "guanxi", etc.

And she tried to block the nuclear power plant. I had some (foolish?) hope that she would have the guts to actually block it. This is probably asking too much, though. It was a suicidal idea inherited from someone else. But at least we get it delayed by several months; this may well give us several extra months to live after a future nuclear disaster that is bound to happen. Have nobody told you that everything made by China will explode? But this is still better than the situation of Hong Kong where we will be surrounded by tens of nuclear power plants soon, ready to blow up any moment.

She tried to position the Tories in the centre ground. A "centre" not in the sense of traditional political ideologies, but in the sense of "what ordinary people think". Let's hope some common sense can come back to politics, so people don't have to support the embarrassing UKIP, or the dangerous hard-left, or the muddled "centre-ground" parties that silently exploit you for big businesses.

And then Boris Johnson said those activists should protest against Russia's war crime. Though obviously not helpful to the situation, it is good that someone in his position cares and dares to point out the hypocrisy of those people. Those "peace activists" are not against war: they never protest against any war crime committed by Russia, or communists, etc. They are against America or the West. Which is perfectly fine; it is a perfectly legitimate position to take. Just say it out loud. Don't hide behind the banner of peace.

And the Russian response is equally interesting, calling it "Russophobia". Leftists used the -phobia suffix on anything these days. Just add it after any thing, and that "thing" suddenly becomes sacred and any argument against it are all just irrational hatred. In fact you are not allowed to discuss that sacred matter at all. I am getting more and more phobiaphobic...

Monday, September 05, 2016






Thursday, September 01, 2016

拉票 (2)

因為本土派近日的一些事件,我都冇乜心機寫文。(不知內情者就繼續不知好了,千萬不要 google.)

國師,梁天琦,黃台仰,鄭錦滿,同台演出,連中出羊子都有。Those were the days, 唉。我只係想見到幾個本土派當選,大家齊齊整整,平平安安,點解咁難?


(1) 大家超區冇得揀,要含淚投,那回到地方選區可以考慮下本土吧...

(2) 很多人驚投錯票,擔心投了給那個原來是收共產黨錢的候選人。例如有一個說法就是港獨派是中共搞出來的,目的是製造藉口為23條立法。其實那有甚麼問題呢,只要他們推動的意識形態是我樂見的便可。要知道世上有回事叫「玩大咗」,他們要推動港獨,我們便順水推舟,港豬最缺乏的就是本土意識覺醒,現在有人貼錢幫你推廣那是求之不得。

(3) 我很是擔心,三個新左膠(其實一點也不新)劉小麗羅冠聰朱凱迪,本來只是陪跑份子,現在竟然至少兩個走勢凌厲,要是這些新左膠出三中三 100% 命中,而本土派自相殘殺,只得兩三個當選甚至全軍盡墨的話,那就冇眼睇了。

我唔明白點解會有人唔知劉小麗係左膠。聽個名都知啦,幾廿歲人叫自己乜嘢小麗老師,你而家教幼稚園咩,聽到都令人作嘔。偏偏卻用那隻 font,更加突兀。

(4) 我其實就好L溫和嘅,我只係要求「中港區隔」,不論是港獨建國城邦歸英,甚至是密室談判或中共大發慈悲,或者真的 build a wall ,任何可以達致中港區隔的方式我都支持。

各位大中華膠 ,其實要建設民主中國,更須要中港區隔。

其實東講西讀這幅圖也不是百分百準確:大陸應該是一大桶污水而不是和香港一樣大。一小杯清水要救國,不是把自己倒進那一大桶污水裏,而是先設法阻止大桶污水湧進來, 之後再從詳計議。大中華膠認為香港有責任建設民主中國,本身就是承認香港是比大陸好的,正常人自是要維持著這個較高標準以作榜樣,他們卻要把香港拉下去。

Thursday, August 18, 2016

拉票 (1)

這篇文是寫給所謂「黃絲」看的。(至於那些藍絲及認為中港融合無限商機的,大家道不同不相為謀,多言無益。) 我明知大家唔啱聽,99.99%是徙口水,但我無得投票,希望略盡人事,拉得一票得一票。我想懇請大家,考慮一下投給所謂「本土派」的候選人(*)。






還有,就是因為現在的議員都是賣港的,本土派議會內沒有代表,才要採取激烈行動。你不是不知道香港現在變成怎樣:明明大家都經常長嗟短嘆,上水成了深圳領土、新城市廣場不再是給沙田友行的、個仔的功課學殘體字和「西紅柿土豆湯」兼且漢語拼音叻過英文... 只是你和絕大部份「正常」人一樣,本能地 shut off your senses to preserve your sanity, 那些本土的黐線佬沒有,就此而已。對於這些議題,泛民做了甚麼?他們支持大陸醫生來港、主張普教中、支持網絡廿三條、去聯合國告香港人、流晒口水見張德江開聲表明接受統戰、維護走私賊這個「弱勢社群」、背後老細在屯門開藥房賣奶粉...「泛民」沒有一個是站在香港那一邊的,一個也沒有。


大家投了「泛民」幾十年,多一次唔多,少一次唔少,四年後他們肯定還會老神在在、搖頭恍腦說些甚麼爭取民主之類的話。好心吧,說了幾十年還說甚麼民主。民主遠不如反赤化、2047前途重要,這不是我說的,是練乙錚說的 [8]。反之本土派下次也不用選,四年後選舉主任自會替你篩選,這大概是最後一次有得給你投的了,無下次。你還是要投給泛民,那是無話可說,準備迎接飲茶唔識普通話冇得食的時代吧。[9]

現在有些黐線的為你爭取,你靜靜雞在投票站投票即可,不用像我等拋頭露面做排外法西斯。他日要是這班人選了進去後通敵賣港,那我自是罪該萬死,打要企定,本文做證作鞭屍用。(說來四年前我出 post 推薦的候選人,第一是范國威,第二是長毛,如今再看真是不忍卒睹...)

下個 post (如得閒的話):
- 「本土理論不可行,本土政棍無恥喎!」
- 支持中港區隔,才能建設民主中國
- 逐個數點解唔好投泛民

(*) for the purpose of this election, 本土派 = 熱普城 + 青政。要是大家真是投唔落手,范國威毛孟靜都勉強收貨啦
[1] 食衞局搞奶粉配給制 加入本地媽咪會 港B兩周可買三罐
[2] 配給奶粉 配合大陸
[8] 練乙錚籲聚焦反赤化
[9] 收銀員包庇只識講普通話侍應 寶湖飲食集團向事主致歉

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jean-Claude Juncker sums up all that's rotten about the EU

No doubt this is a very biased article, but you never see this sort of thing reported on BBC. Over the last two weeks you can hear absolutely nothing on the BBC about criticisms against Juncker, yet every hostile word he said towards Britain they reported all of it.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

What I experienced throughout this fairytale season (3)

The nervous weeks

What follows was a narrow defeat by Arsenal; despite that, the title is in sight. We are now clearly in the run-in: a long string of relatively weak opponents, with 3 difficult matches at the end of the season. Which for us was actually tricky, since the opponents would sit back which did not suit our counter-attacking style. The team also became very cautious, grinding out 1-0 wins game after game. In-between we drawn 2-2 at WBA, and everyone thought we dropped points, only to find out a bit later that every other title contender in fact lost, so we actually gained ground!

We also continued to receive a lot of luck on refereeing decisions. I lost count on the number of Robert Huth deliberately leaving an arm out at an awkward position, waiting for the ball to hit it; or swinging elbows at people; and so on.

I had been constantly thinking about the fixtures, trying to work out whether we are likely to have the points needed to win the title. After week 33, with 5 games to go and 7 points in lead, my plan was like this:

week LEI: 72 pts TOT: 65 pts
34 WHU: D, 73 pts STO: W, 68 pts
35 SWA: W, 76 pts WBA: W, 71 pts
36 MNU: ? CHE: ?
37 EVE: ? SOU: ?
38 CHE: ? NEW: ?

So we needed to protect a 5-point lead over the last 3 weeks. There were two scenarios at this point:

(1) If CHE-TOT was a draw then we only need 3 points, most likely a win against EVE. But it was important to get at least 1 at MNU, otherwise there would be enormous pressure and things could go horribly wrong:

week LEI: 76 pts TOT: 71 pts
36 MNU: L?, 76 CHE: D, 72
37 EVE: D?, 77 SOU: W, 75
38 CHE: L?, 77 NEW: W, 78

(2) If TOT beat CHE then we would need to need 5 points, i.e. D-W-D in the last 3 matches which is perfectly possible but we would be under extreme pressure.

Against WHU we indeed got a draw, although it was thanks again to some dodgy refereeing decisions. And the Vardy red card also throws everything in new light. And after I saw TOT beat STO 4-0, I feared the worst and thought they would not drop any more points, i.e. Scenario 2 applies. But then next week they could only draw WBA. The table (and what could go wrong) now looked like this:

week LEI: 76 pts TOT: 69 pts
36 MNU: L? 76 CHE:W 72
37 EVE: D? 77 SOU: W 75
38 CHE: D? 78 NEW: W 78

The weekend that completed the miracle

In the 1-1 draw against MNU, we were again lucky. But very importantly, Drinkwater took a foul for the team and got red-carded. Had we lost that match, TOT needed only a D-W-W to get to 76, which looked extremely likely, and our failure would be a very real possibility.

The next day, Monday 2nd May 2016, it was CHE v TOT. The day history will never forget. You all know what happened. I was watching snooker on TV while following live updates on BBC sport. When they were winning 2-0 I thought they were too good to be stopped. When I saw the 2-2 I could not believe my eyes. I switched to radio; the Internet was too slow!

Then there was the final whistle. The fairytale was complete. I actually waited a few minutes for the BBC website to confirm it for me. Couldn't just believe by hearing...

And even better, within 15 minutes Mark Selby won the snooker!

(The subsequent downfall of Spurs was of course ridiculous. We have a lot to thank Chelsea, though; have Spurs won that match, their downfall would not happen and it would look overwhelmingly likely that we would be the one to let it slip.)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Unconventional arguments on why we should leave the EU (3)

Actually, for some personal reasons (see the other post) I'm not exactly in the mood of writing, moreover most common arguments have appeared everywhere. So this is perhaps my last post on this subject...

The pro-leave side usually resort to sentiment, while the pro-remain side usually relies on tangible advantages like cost to the economy etc. Which is all very well, we can decide ourselves which is more important. But those tangible advantages given - especially when you hear them from young people (who are a lot more pro-EU) - show that they have little concept of priority. We are talking about a once-in-a-lifetime decision, it's about World War III and some such (if you believe them), and these young people are saying, "I want to remain in EU because it is easier and cheaper to travel for holidays." What's wrong with you people?

Another main argument to support staying in the EU from those people seems to be that, the EU enforces a lot of things like CO2 emissions, workers' rights, etc that are "good", and they would otherwise not happen under a Tory government. Which may well be true, but why don't you try to achieve those things via national politics - vote for Labour, Greens, etc at local and national elections? And if you cannot succeed in getting them to power, through a democratic process, maybe the rest of the public don't actually share the same opinion as you? Their idea seems to be that, since those things are "morally right", they need to get it from whoever can offer them, whether it is the EU, or some dictator, or some green alien about to enslave humans. The concept of a "nation" to them worths less than getting through airports quicker or cheaper flights.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What I experienced throughout this fairytale season (2)

The first big hurdle

December comes the first tough fixture period: 14/12 CHE, 19/12 EVE, 26/12 LIV, 29/12 MNC, the first point where people expected us to crumble. I would have been more than happy had we got 3-4 points out of these 4 games. It turned out we got 7!

Before the Chelsea game I was so praying them not to sack Jose Mourinho before it. Fortunately they didn't, and our win proved to be Jose's last game at Chelsea.

We were then top of table, 2 points clear. It was also at this point that Gary Lineker made his infamous tweet. He didn't know that, but it seems HKGolden's 賭 J is very powerful indeed...

And after beating Everton, we are guaranteed top of the table at Christmas. A fan phoned-in to a radio programme and said:

"My son turned to me and looked me in the eye and said: 'Dad, dad, amazing, absolutely amazing.'

Then a series of lacklustre result follows, including a 0-2 defeat to Liverpool, clinging on to a 0-0 draw with Man City, yet another goalless draw with Bournemouth, and even a 1-1 draw with Villa (!). But this slump still left us in a position better than people had expected. In this period Vardy had a surgery, and I suspect the transfer window must also have caused some instability as well. But somehow we were still near or at the top of the table - still quietly.

The second big hurdle

We had three big matches in February: 2/2 LIV,  6/2 MNC, 14/2 ARS.

I was very pleased to see us lose out in the FA cup replay. Had we won that, we would have a 5th round FA cup match a few days before the LIV match. As it turned out, we had 10 days rest, while LIV played 4 matches in 10 days (or something like that). We then beat LIV 2-0, thanks to a wonder goal from Vardy.

At this point the neutral fans all begin to root for us. Like this one

6/2 MCI 1-3 LEI
This was the day history will remember; the day when the rest of the world suddenly realises that it might actually happen. Not just because of the successive wins, but because of the manner in which we dispatch away these opponents so convincingly. There were articles pondering (still joking) what might happen if this miracle, just for once, did happen. Gary Lineker wrote a moving article, describing it as "quite possibly the most unlikely triumph in the history of team sport", and that he has never "wanted something to happen more in sport in my entire life."

But for us it was the start of the agony. It was the point where we started to fear, that this might turn from the greatest miracle in sporting history to the biggest flop in sporting history.

As it turned out, it was just like 2 seasons ago when we were promoted to the Premier League: flying under the radar for half of the season, and by the time the rest of the world realised, it was already too late to catch us.

Next time: the home straight...

Mid-life crisis

Well, the inevitable is, finally, about to descend onto me. After years of dragging on, this new "leadership team" is now acting extremely swiftly (you have to admire how they patiently set the whole thing up, with everything in place before delivering the final punch - more on that in the future if I have the chance to write about it.) I knew it will happen one day, but when it arrives it is so sudden.

It is something that has always been at the back of my mind, but I refuse to accept, and it is now too late for me: if you know you are in a wrong career, leave early. (I don't know how I survived the REF two years ago. But even then it was already too late.)

At least it was after the good moments. We won the Premier League, man! (I always worried that this good news would be spoiled by bad news like this one, or some far worse ones.) It is the best thing that could ever happen to this city, so there is nothing more to look forward to.

We'll know how bad it goes in a few months' time. Perhaps it won't be the worst possible outcome. Perhaps it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. In the meantime, I probably will stop blogging for quite a while after I finished the EU articles and the Leicester City articles... not that anyone cares.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Unconventional arguments on why we should leave the EU (2)

Speaking in London, the prime minister said Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of so-called Islamic State in Iraq, "might be happy" in the event of a Leave vote in June, remarks which Mr Johnson said were a "bit too much". 

I knew it! The Hong Kong left plastics' argument of 退聯邊個最開心 will find its way to the EU referendum debate!

Just to give you some background, the "left plastics" in HK often criticizes strong, violent protests against communist China because they "give excuses" for the Chinese government to further suppress political opposition, and the Chinese government would be "pleased" to see that happen. The same logic was applied to the separation of many higher education student unions from the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS). After the awakening to localism of most university students and student bodies, they want to separate from HKFS. Then they dished out this argument saying that the disbanding of HKFS will only make the Chinese government happy.

Various counterarguments have been put out. But put it back to the context of IS and EU referendum:

(1) You do or not do things because they are right or wrong, not because they would make someone else happy.

(2) How do you know IS would be happy? Do you think like them?

(3) Seriously, IS wouldn't care, they want to destroy all of you anyway.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What I experienced throughout this fairytale season (1)

The universe is big, it's vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.
- The Doctor, The Pandorica Opens


Nigel Pearson was sacked. Just like everyone else, I thought it was a bad decision, and an unfortunate one ( I wrote last year: "... it would be sad to see him go particularly if it is for non-footballing reasons..." which proved more prophetic than I thought!) But, as pointed out in HIGNFY, if not for this sex scandal, none of the rest of the fairytale would have happened!

My reaction to Claudio Ranieri's appointment was just like everyone else's: uninspiring. But I was kind of not bothered because my feeling was that it didn't matter too much who that was, we would probably still struggle. I didn't see why bookie's are all so sure that we will go down though. Yes, we will be in a relegation battle (for some periods if not the whole of the season), but the end of last season showed that this team is not so bad. Under a new manager with a honeymoon period, picked up a few wins early on and we would have built some points base that may prove crucial at the end.

Week 1, LEI 4-2 SUN

Thanks to a rubbish Sunderland team, we were (due to goal difference and goal scored) top of the league after the first week of the season. At that time I wrote on my facebook:

We are top of the Premier League! For a day at least...

Little did I know where this would lead us to...

Week 2, WHU 1-2 LEI

We continue to be top of the league after another win. Schmeichel should have been sent off, instead it was their goalkeeper who was sent off. We could easily have lost 1-2 otherwise. This was also the first of many games where we got favourable refereeing decisions (and for WHU, one of the many decisions against them throughout the season.)

Never give up

What followed was a long string of coming from behind, either scoring minutes after the opponent scored, or minutes from the final whistle, to pull back from losing to get a draw or even a win. Examples include 0-2 against Villa (!) but winning 3-2, and 0-2 against Stoke and drawing 2-2, and the same against Southamption. It was as if we couldn't play until we were two goals down. Our inability to keep clean sheets became a talking point - the pizza.

We were growing confidence, perhaps too much, and in-between these games we lost 2-5 to Arsenal, the first loss in the league.

We were still finding the best lineup. I was particularly concerned about how the new players were to be integrated: you don't want to see what many managers do, namely, putting all the new players in the team just because they are big signings; at the same time I was worried that just sticking those new players on the bench, which seems to be what Ranieri was doing, would demoralise them.

It turned out that he was incorporating them very slowly. Fuchs, for example, slowly replaced Schlupp through a period of both playing (with Schlupp as left wing and Fuchs LB). I was somewhat sad to see Schlupp eventually replaced (even though that was because of injury), he played well last season - but it was probably a good idea as Fuchs were perhaps more defensive minded.

Other positions were similar. Kante, for example, was only a substitute (!), unthinkable these days.

We continued to win quietly, with attention turned to Vardy's 11-game goal streak. After week 13's win against Newcastle, we were again top of the table, but no one was alarmed.

to be continued...

Next time: The first big hurdle CHE - EVE - LIV - MNC

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

台灣民眾暴打兇徒 vs 布魯塞爾恐襲民眾反應



台灣民眾暴打那個兇徒,是血性的體現。不錯,這是「不文明」,然而人是有情緒的,過於壓抑是違反人性。左膠重點之一,正是壓抑人性,對「仇恨」兩字極度抗拒,就是對方殺你全家你也不可有絲毫憤怒。布魯塞爾恐襲後,一如上次又立即有大批民眾在地上用粉筆寫寫畫畫,千篇一律都是反戰標誌、We are all human 云云,說要和平,不要仇恨,不然就正中對方下懷了。不是說你要隨街找個穆斯林毒打一頓,但總要有點憤怒,有同仇敵慨的意志。歐洲人中了左毒幾十年,這樣的本能都沒有了。物極必反,世界各地極右抬頭,是左膠做成的。左膠的好心有那一次不是最終做成壞事?

Thursday, February 11, 2016


(以下為 FB 貼文的真心版, FB 貼的是溫和版)

本人的政治立場,各位要是還未 block, unfollow, unfriend 的話,相信都心中有數。明知和這裏各位絕大多數政見不合,近年也懶得在這裏寫,要寫也往別處。但當此歷史時刻,不表態像沒事發生般實在說不過去。然而我還 是掙扎了好幾天,不敢寫這篇文,又想如何「巧妙」的寫得留有餘地,真是個懦夫。


