Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 本土意識 遍地開花

(2014年尾寫的一篇,有幸給「2014 香港人醒覺」fb page share 了,看看今次又能不能呃 like)


2015年,承雨傘革命之覺醒,本土意識在年輕人中勢不可擋。足球場上噓「國歌」以及 HK is not China 的標語,是最為清楚地告訴全世界,香港人不要「中港融合」,不要大陸化。







中港融合支持者說,同化是不可避免,與其反抗不如學會享受強姦。按理「不可避免」是合理推斷,各本土論述也都依賴中國某日會爆煲。我對「支爆」可沒有這麼「樂觀」;大陸經濟雖有問題,但我不認為會是毀滅性的,而且中國已是 too big to fail,西方國家也不希望中國爆破。然而我們是否就放棄呢? 就像香港足球牌面上看,沒可能戰勝中國,然而港隊兩戰中國奇蹟不敗,又付碌又誤判,你吹咩,這就是天意注定。

電影《十年》中有這樣一句:「我有一個宗旨, 不要看行不行, 要看對不對。」展望2016,希望更多人能 stand up and fight,不管是網絡裏,街道上還是議會內,在能發揮自己長處的領域,各盡其力。謀事在人,成事就要在天了,就算失敗,也是無愧於心。

Sunday, October 11, 2015



「馮敬恩,無句真。/ 大話精,說摘星。/ 人無信,不可信。/ 凡交往,必騙盡。」

他用「語理分析」的倚天劍,批評陳文敏和馮敬恩的話語毛病、邏輯不當,我一邊看一邊覺得悲涼。就像街邊有12惡霸欺侮1個四眼書生,另一個四眼黃毛小子挺身維護,2人被打得口腫面青;而李天命就像一位身負絕世武功的高手,他沒有指責12惡霸, 反而嘲笑四眼書生和黃毛小子反抗時姿勢不雅、招式不正確。

陳文敏馮敬恩並不是語言邏輯學家,他們的說話,總會有破綻,可供「分析」,可供批判。... 指出邏輯謬誤,沒甚麼問題,可是李天命長久以來對其他更加荒謬的事情沉默不語、在「關鍵時候」出手追殺戰敗的陳文敏,這是為了甚麼呢?

就算陳文敏馮敬恩千錯萬錯,李天命這些言論的客觀效果就是助紂為虐。難道梁振英李國章盧寵茂從來沒有說過一句不合邏輯的話?為什麼不見你去批評?還是你認為他們是站在正義的一方?我沒有看過他 forum 的每一個 post (那 forum 也實在「user-friendly」得很),不肯定他有否月旦其他時事,但要是有,想來早就給人搬來引用了。


大家也猜他的動機是什麼。看上去也不像是受威迫利誘。他不屑現今學術制度要求濫產論文,他自己大概也是「不事生產」的那類。哲學就更不用說有什麼 impact factor 了。對陳文敏的攻擊,除了「沒有博士學位」外,恐怕大多適用於他,按理他應該「物傷其類」才是。然而人的心理很奇怪,有時在這情況下反而會最勇猛的對受害人踩多幾腳,還會帶來快感,可能是潛意識想強調「我和他不是同類」吧。



Tuesday, June 16, 2015


民族性,是坊間經常用來安加在各國族刻板印象的玩笑,如德國人守時、法國人浪漫、俄國人勇武、日本人有禮等等,當中故然有幾分事實,用來說笑也無傷大雅。 然而一個國族,就必然享有共同性格嗎?德國人真的人人都準時,日本人又真的人人都有禮嗎?要是動一動腦筋想清楚,這類刻板印象根本經不起理性推敲。
So Chi, facebook comments in the same page:

只要德國人 on average 守時過其他人,這樣的 claim 便站得住腳。還說甚麼理性推敲...

香港左膠和西方左膠一樣,痛恨 stereotype,凡是指出不同種族、性別之間有不同特點的,都是邪惡的。 在他們眼中,人人都是一樣,homogenous 的,沒有高下之分 ─ 如果你站在「弱勢」那邊。說女性比較細心甚麼的就可以,說某些工作比較適合男性就是罪大惡極。說黑人肌肉爆發力較好無人異議,要是你敢說黑人有甚麼缺點的話你就是法西斯。


Saturday, June 06, 2015

Leicester City season review

So, we somehow pulled off a minor miracle and stayed in the premier league. You are not going to believe it, but I have always been quietly confident that we can do it, even in (almost) the worst of times. The point that I started to lose belief was when we failed to beat 10-man Hull at home, when you thought you got to beat them, if you can't even do that how are you going to get points. But 2 matches later our winning streak began.

We always knew we have the easiest fixture towards the end of the season; most of the teams are either fellow strugglers or have little to nothing to play for. Nigel Pearson, outside of his bizarre moments (see below), is always a calm and measured person who knows what he is doing. Performance-wise we were never completely outplayed; we were never beaten by more than 2 goals all season, and often performance don't convert to points. These are all reasons that contribute to the confidence that eventually proved justified.

Throughout most of the season (i.e., the losing part), the comments were often that we performed as well as the opponent, just "unlucky". But you can't be that unlucky over 38 weeks; there must be some fundamental problems somewhere. My feeling is that we are just a little bit short but in every department, which together means we lose just a little bit every time. But clearly point-wise you would rather win or draw some games and lose heavily in others, than to lose by a bit every game. It also means we can't seem to do both attack and defence well at the same time. If we commit to attack we often fail to turn dominance into goals, and then we fail to defend; if we decide to sit back then we eventually concede and by then there was not enough time (and players' confidence) to chase the game. That was basically what happened from November to March.

Eventually we somehow stumbled upon the 3-centreback formation and more importantly, with Albrighton playing as right wing-back. Three centrebacks are only possible after the capture of Huth (the other centre backs are just not that good, really), and who would have thought Albrighton should play as right-back? This system gives a better balance and clearer separation between attack and defence.

(I have Albrighton in my fantasy team all season, just to warm the bench because he is cheap - though it would be better if I added him 32 weeks or so later. By the final week I thought I would give all my Leicester players  - Schlupp, Albrighton, Vardy - a run-out, just for fun, and they did not disappoint.)

Going back to Nigel Pearson. Unless he was doing those things deliberately, he maybe should seek professional help. Probably the pressure was getting on him and he was lucky to escape punishment for things like grabbing your opponent player's neck. It could have gone a lot worse. He looks like a respectable person and reasonably good at his job, and it would be sad to see him go particularly if it is for non-footballing reasons.

We have not been spending crazy amounts of money and next year we should do the same. I never like the idea of "going all-in" and either stay in the Premier league or go bust. Actually I don't even mind being a yo-yo club for a few years; I think that was the right way to establish yourself (though the competition at the Championship is extremely tough so there is never any guarantee you can go back up easily.) Spend sensibly and keep the stability and hopefully we will survive another year.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Political persecution drives Hong Kong primary school teacher to brink of committing suicide

稱校方頻召見 林慧思fb留言想死

We previously posted about the political persecution and harassment faced by primary school teacher Ms Lam Wai-Sze. Almost two years on and she is still facing constant harassment. On the morning of 16th May she posted a suicide note on facebook, which worried a lot of her supporters. She has since sought medical help and calmed down.

She was forced to take a half-year leave since the incident in 2013. During the past one and a half years since she returned to work, she faces constant harassment by pro-Beijing organisations, who keep making complaints to the school she works at (Pui Ling School of the Precious Blood). The school has summoned her over 20 times to explain herself. The most recent one concerns her facebook political posts and they want Ms Lam to ban under-18 from seeing the posts. Ms Lam reminded the school not to interfere her freedom of speech, but some colleagues scolded her for this.

She emphasized that she has never imposed her own political opinion upon her students. Netizens expressed support and encouraged her not to back down. Chin Wan, a prominent political figure, has suggested she could seek political asylum.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


「機管局建議向離境旅客開徵一百八十元的建設費... 而精打細算的旅客更可能改往澳門及內地機場轉機。」



Thursday, January 01, 2015

2014 奸邪當道 港人醒覺

2014年頭,有人搞了個 「2014 香港人醒覺」的 fb group,我心想你是不是太樂觀了點。Well, 一次雨傘革命,陰差陽錯下,醒覺的人多了,比我想像的多,但還是不夠。最初幾日民眾發揮本能,一時氣勢大盛,奈何不久左膠終於還是把革命退化為他們一貫的運動。其實在三十年的和理非思想下,有這樣的覺醒已算不錯。可是在殖民力度愈來愈大的情況下,這樣的醒覺速度終不足以抵禦赤化。這是起步太遲的問題了。

我一向不認為甚麼真普選、公民提名之類是最重要的事。當務之急,是中港區隔,制止中共殖民,否則香港被消滅了,你和我也不再是香港人,成了孤魂野鬼,民主有個屁用?民主回歸派搞了三十年,民主爭取不到,殖民卻愈演愈烈。猶記得一三年李旺陽事件後,有個顛佬叫人不要參加支聯會的六四集會,被人罵個狗血淋頭。幾個月後,帶領你悼念六四的支聯會那班人「成功爭取」新移民綜援,又幾個月後,又是同一班人到聯合國指控香港人歧視新移民。你說誰才是顛佬?可喜的是,蔡耀昌於元旦遊行被狙擊,從此民陣那班人不再高調浦頭,間接促成七一預演佔中等較激行動。 八三一人大落閘後,連他們自己也宣布民主回歸路線壽終正。是時候把香港交回給香港人了。本土派的方式不一定成功,但你們的已證實失敗。

這次運動雖然失敗,但至少它令主流泛民一鋪清袋、令更多人認識左膠的惡行,也使港人首次大規模體驗(同一個顛佬提出的)勇武抗爭。年輕人甚至學生妹也身體力行,上過前線,體驗過札竹棚、擋警棍,就會明白勇武抗爭和左膠假抗爭的分別,回不去的了。 從這方面來看,它有極其重要的意義。可是這仍然十分初步,港人未能衝破和理非思想伽鎖,停留在「老婆被警察拉走強姦而自己站著高呼警察可恥」的程度。希望來年大家能突破這心障。

