Friday, October 04, 2013





... Bristol(布里斯托)大學和港大的比較,媒體已有述及... 高度讚揚徐立之擁有的科研成就是國際知名,直言候選校長與徐立之的學術地位 「差好遠」。

Bristol 大概不及港大,也不能說是很差,況且那還有真正勁人肯黎做?


洋人不見得就一定不會去討好大陸,單是香港已有不少例子,所以我們要盯實這個新校長會否又是一個媚共鬼佬。至於陳婉瑩,貴為汕頭大學長江新聞與傳播學院院長 ,自然不屑別人「反共到了盲目崇洋」。我一向有留意陳教授,就像法律學院陳某、教育學院程某、工程學院李某(已退休)...

...馬斐森給予港大校務委員會的使命陳詞(Mission Statement),滿紙空泛的原則性陳述,並無展示任何願景,甚至認為馬斐森無誠意申請港大的職位,「他顯然曾向烏干達求職,而把發到非洲的簡歷挪用港大的申請,甚至沒注意把『烏干達』改為『香港』。」

那是一份 CV,「一份 CV 走天涯」不見得有甚麼不對,當然誠意就沒有多少。至於 Mission Statement,可能馬斐森認為「一份 CV 走天涯」裡寫的不應是一份工的使命,而是他人生的使命,那他是醫生自然是寫懸壺濟世拯救非洲兒童之類的崇高理想。他還說 strive to find time to be an effective and supportive husband and father, 不知和 HKU 或烏干達的 Mission 有何關係?「顯然曾向烏干達求職」這個解讀,恐怕很有商榷餘地。(小弟睇 application 大大話話睇過幾千份,在 「閱讀 Mission statement 發現申請人唔記得改校名」這方面的「經驗」不一定就差過陳教授...)

在文章的末段,陳婉瑩稱,聽到港大校友和同事的反應,「從震驚到失望到鄙視,同聲的說 『港大值得一個更優秀的人』。

「港大值得一個更優秀的人」是一句用漢字寫的英文,HKU deserves a better vice-chancellor 也。


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Dominoes Toys to close as hunt for buyer fails

Sad news. You don't have a four-storey shop only for toys these days, never mind an independent one. Over the years I visited it many times, though mostly just looking and only bought a couple of things.

I went to the sale one day late. I wasn't expecting to see any lego worth buying, but was a little bit surprised that almost all lego are gone, even those that I consider not worth buying. The only exception is the Friends series. Which just shows how big a failure it is in TLC's continued attempt to be politically correct and make "girly" things.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Saving A Primary School Teacher in Hong Kong from Political Persecution

(Original article from the petition linked below; the following is my extended version.)

Ms Alpais Lam Wai-sze, a primary school teacher in Hong Kong, is being politically persecuted for merely saying "what the fuck" upon witnessing the injustice routinely carried out by Hong Kong police.

(From Cuson Lo)

On July 14, a pro-communist group attacked a Falun Gong stall in the street. While very few people in Hong Kong like Falun Gong, Hong Kong citizens recognize their freedom of expression. Yet the police, clearly politically biased, routinely turn a blind eye to such violent incidents which has become a regular scene. On this occasion, Ms Lam, who happened to be passing by, stood up against the police's inaction (the police cordoned off the two groups and let the violence continue.) Her action of defending justice was followed by harassment: huge banners were left at her school calling for her dismissal; the "chief executive" of Hong Kong, C. Y. Leung, asked the Education Bureau to file a report on Ms Lam’s case; and the Regional Crime Squad of the police received order to investigate into Lam’s case. All for merely saying a WTF. 

We condemn such government organised, politically motivated persecution and harassment against an individual. Some Hong Kong people are again (following the Chinese raid of baby milk powder in Hong Kong) trying to seek international attention by petitioning on the US Government website.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baby Hunger Outbreak in Hong Kong, International Aid Requested

Local parents in Hong Kong can hardly buy baby formula milk powder in drugs stores and supermarkets, as smugglers from mainland China storm to this tiny city to buy milk powder and resell for huge profits in China. Many retailers stockpiled milk powder and are reluctant to sell to local parents as they can sell their stocks to mainland smugglers instead for huge profits.  Countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand exercise rationed sale to tourist buyers from China but the Hong Kong government frame the situation as a matter of "free trade" and refuse to exercise its legal power to stop cross-border smuggling. The Hong Kong government is even planning to ration milk powder supply to its own citizens while letting Chinese smugglers transport unlimited quantities of milk powder to China with the cooperation of corrupt Chinese customs officials.

We request international support and assistance as babies in Hong Kong will soon face malnutrition if the situation continues. Emptying Hong Kong's baby milk powder reserve is one of the tactics used by communist China to cleanse Hong Kong from its locals.  Hong Kong's future generation will be virtually starved out.  After the communist take-over of Hong Kong in 1997, this city has the lowest birth rate in the world, and the biggest immigration flux from the mainland to "replenish" the "natural" loss of locals. Very soon, mainland Chinese immigrants will out-number the locals.  That is what happened in Tibet, decades ago.


中共縱容大陸走私客哄搶香港嬰兒奶粉,香港零售商對香港本地人實施銷售歧視,甚至禁售,香港特區政府視之為自由市場,袖手旁觀,令香港本地人 難買奶粉,家長東奔西跑,四處打聽,被逼餵飼奶粉樣品或轉換牌子,沒時間搶購奶粉的家庭,嬰兒營養堪虞,香港勢將爆發嬰兒飢荒,這是國際人道災難。各位香港媽咪,請集合簽名,陳述事實,去信聯合國或美國總統,尋求人道救援。這是淪陷區的人民,向國際社會求助。

(taken and slightly modified from