Thursday, February 28, 2008


It was near 1am in the morning, and I was on the bed and would have fallen asleep any second if not for that. Then there's some strange noise and my bed was shaking. Given that just one day before that was a burglar upstairs, I thought, "again?", but it didn't feel like so. The shaking was quite horizontal, and after going on for a few more seconds, I still had no idea what happened. I sat up (still on the bed), then it got quiet. I didn't bother to get up and look outside - everywhere was very quiet, unusually quiet that is. I then just tried to go back to sleep. Only after a few minutes I started to wonder, "Could it be an earthquake? But this is UK right, how can there be an earthquake?" It's only until the next morning that I knew it is an earthquake.

This is my first experience of an earthquake (that I can feel). Rather "interesting", actually (if no harm or damage is made)...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


擒晚八點左右,屋企突然有人拍門,我開門一看,見係一個警察,我以為國際刑警真係黎拉我了,點知原來係樓上某單位俾人爆格,問我有冇留意到乜野。照計街上嘅人冇理由睇到二樓屋裏面有乜野,唔通佢random咁揀一戶黎爆? 如果佢不幸揀中我到就一定非常失望了,成屋冇一樣野值錢 (除左 D 絕版嘅... 不過應該冇乜人知呢 D 野值錢...)

Monday, February 25, 2008


「我唔可以畀一歧視呢拼搏精神 人得逞,所以而家我站起來,話畀大家聽,我今日正式通知獵頭公司,我申請做 廣播處長呢個職位!至於我得唔得,無 關係!因為我只要證明一樣,一個無大學學位的人如果肯去申請,敢去申請的話,證明一樣,就係呢個世界唔係學歷歧視,唔係話拼搏的人畀人藐視、畀人歧 視、畀人侮辱。
雖然概念略有不同, 不過我一見到呢單新聞就諗起N年前李天命已講過:
... 要是他們拒絕 我們的申請,我們就質問:「為什麼不請我?」他們說:「你沒有合資格的學歷。」我們抗議:「哦,你這是學歷歧視!」(眾笑)他們回應:「我們不 是歧視你,因為聘請條件上已經列明了這些標準。」我們反駁:「這並不證明你沒有歧視,你的聘請廣告本身就有歧視,那是學歷歧視,排斥沒有學歷的人,剝奪了 他們的『平等機會』呀!」

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Intergalactic Customer Survey

Companies in a certain part of the universe run a survey called "Intergalactic Customer Survey". The suvey is completed by current customers, and this forms part of the input to the "league tables", and this is very important for the companies because future customers choose companies based on their position in the league tables. Well, they are not actually companies and customers in an ideal world, but effectively they are now.

Interestingly, it is to the advantage of the current customers doing the survey to make the score as high as possible, since this also affects their own reputation: "I joined such a good company!". However, customers in a certain department of a certain company do not seem to realize the importance of this "positive feedback loop" as much as other customers, and the department feels they should give some "incentive" to the customers: proteins, carbohydrates, and cardon dioxide.

It remains to be seen whether this is effective...

Sunday, February 03, 2008


死啦,我而家好驚... 我駛唔駛返香港自首呢?如果唔係國際刑警黎拉我個喎... 我又係窮人,今次實要... (話時話,創作「法律面前,窮人含x」嗰位仁兄真係創意十足,言簡意賅)

實不相瞞,本人電腦內有大量相片。至於係唔係淫穢不雅呢... 這個也不大重要了,反正警察拉人之前也不會先揾淫審處評級。況且啊「有志者特警成」口講的就係法律,點知佢聽日又有乜野新法律?

認真,我覺得呢個政府經常借啲意企圖加強控制互聯網,以達致「中港融合」... 香港人必須時刻警惕...