Thursday, December 29, 2005

A modern civilization

Yesterday I stay in school all day to have research collaboration, that is, looking at a figure I drew several months ago trying to recall what it means.

Today afternoon I walk to the Peak. In East Midlands it is exactly what the name suggests: a piece of flatland, with no mountains, no other interesting landscapes. Hong Kong, on the other hand, is a very strange place where there are so many tall buildings while at the same time there are mountains, seas, and everything else. Looking at all those buildings from the peak, I heard a tourist saying, "a modern civilization".

Thursday, December 22, 2005

return from ISAAC

Today in the morning we have the flight back to HK.

Other than the "tour" and the weather, this ISAAC is generally well-organized. In particular, the hotel has free wireless Internet access (although there are many sites you can't go in mainland). The hotel staff can understand my standard of putonghua (!) and their general English level is quite good: at least better than some of the speakers in the conference, I believe.

Back to HK I relax in the bright sunshine that I didn't have for several months. Even in this day with the shortest daytime of the year, the sun is much brighter than that in UK. (Can I really call that thing in UK "sun", when it only hangs at 30 degrees above horizon even at noon?)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

ISAAC day 3

今天大清早便要俾talk。我還以為咁早冇人聽,點知越講越多人。後來我才知道另外一個做同一problem的人 (而我們的paper cite了他們的 result) 竟然在場。幸好我的拉布戰術成功,冇時間俾人問嘢。



Tuesday, December 20, 2005

ISAAC day 2

我不是得閑無事回香港的,而是要去 ISAAC.



行程的第一站,各團友就被安排往某咖啡廠「參觀」及購買手信。之後我對明年將主辦 AAIM 之潘博士說,可安排團友到位於紅磡的金至尊買金,貢獻香港經濟。




回程時王太再發表理論,指這些節目唔係幾好,「雖然天涯海角只係兩舊石頭,但都係呢到景點,第二到冇得睇」,眾人大表同意。王太又表示此行也有好處,就是「得到人生經驗, 以後冇咁易俾人揾笨」。

晚上的 BBQ,我也不想多提,除了有表演以走音 (?) 的民族樂器 (?) 奏出「有隻雀仔跌落水」...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

back to Hong Kong


不知是因為我搭BA/CX終於夠多,還是訂票時擺了 DR. 出來,還是我靚仔了,我竟然被 upgrade...


Thursday, December 15, 2005

light bulbs and electricity

Another light bulb blows itself, the second one within two weeks. Added to the fact that the auto-switch-off "feature" of the electric shower seems coming earlier and earlier, I really suspect there's something wrong with the electricity in this flat...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I better stay away from ebay for some time, after spending a ridiculous amount of money buying "hard plastic" (which is my favourite toy)...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

phone line problem seemingly resolved

Last week the phone line problem re-appeared, and the biggest problem is that I can't get online. This time I found a neighbor to phone me to "trigger" the phone line to work. This happened for two consecutive nights and she must be very unhappy about that. After I reported to BT (British Telecom, not bit-torrent) now it appears to be working properly, and in any case I (finally) got a mobile to "kick" the phone line should the problem comes back again.

And it is good to know that, while many neighbors here are old people, the one closest to me is a young pretty gal...